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Scientific Breakthroughs for Autism and Other Neurological Disorders

Anyone who knows me knows that I am constantly researching science and looking for the latest cutting edge breakthroughs. Autism and neurological disorders are near and dear to my heart as I have family and friends plagued by these debilitating diseases. I am going to give you the reader digest version of the latest breakthrough, however, I am attaching the links to the published article and link to the latest interview with Dr. Marco Ruggiero so you can do your own due diligence.

Dr. Ruggiero and his team of researchers have found that the same bacteria in your gut is the same bacteria found in the brain. Your gut health directly impacts your brain health. The brain is not sterile and what we originally thought about the blood bain barrier turns out to be wrong. The wonderful news is that Dr. Ruggiero and his wife has created a potent probiotic yogurt which contains macrophage activating factors (MAF) which retores your gut, stimulates your immune system, and improving brain functioning. You can research, review, and obtain this product at There is also another product called Rerum that he and his team has filed for FDA approval, which will be distributed by physicians and we are all anxiously awaiting this aproval. The discovery with autism is that most children have enlarged cervical lymph nodes and the congestion of lymph causes the extra-axial fluid in the brain and this was noted on ultrasonography. This extra axial fluid and congestions was leading to inflammation and/or infection. When these children were administered the MAF products, (note a ketogenic diet is also suggested so the body id being fueled approproiately) the doctors observed a decrease in this fluid and the body's own miraculous ability to regenrate neural connectivity in the areas where the fluid had disrupted this connectivity. This allowed the neural cells to signal and communicate again. Again, I bring this to you as this was published in the Frontier Journal which is the number one psychology journal respected in the neuroscience field of medicine. Real science, real results using cranial ultrasonography at the temporal area to observe the lesions in the brain which was the extra axial fluid. The same improvements have been observed in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS), and parkinsons. Now note, that previous muscle atrophy and damage from the progression of those diseases is not what is being addressed and will still be an issue for the patients post treatment.

There is so much more, however, my goal is to bring you the science so you can you review and apply as necessary. This is truly a breakthrough as this is the first time that a real cause and a real solution is being offered at the same time and the best news is that this treatment is safe, non-toxic, and effective. Here is the link to the article in the Frontier Journal: and the link to the Healthy Stong and Active Radio Interview where he explains the latest news just a few days old as they continue to further this research: Here's to keeping this community informed with real science and real results.

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