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Leaving A Legacy

Leaving A Legacy

We lost my grandmother this week at the age of 82. She was a mom to me as she raised me and I slept in the same bed with her until I was 21 and got married. I remember the days when she would rock me, make dolls out of cereal boxes and flour sacks, she would sing and hum to me, and snuggle with me in the bed. She was the pillar of peace, love and joy in our family. Her passion was cooking and feeding her family. She loved to garden and pick blackberries during the years that she was physically able. She was famous for her homemade biscuits and no matter who walked into her kitchen you were not leaving without being fed. She used her cooking as a way to serve her family and anyone she knew. Her entire life was spent making sure her family was safe and healthy. She was a devout Christian and led by example all the time. Even when she did not feel well, she got up and got dressed for church. She read her Bible daily and listened to her gospel music. She was always the voice of reason and peacemaker especially between the siblings. I know no one can leave her fingerprints indented into those biscuits like she did, but we should continue to try. She was our sunshine and now that bright smiling face of joy, love, and peace is gone, but our mission is to make it to heaven where she is sleeping in wait for her walk with our Lord. Although our rays of sunshine with not be as bright as our sweet Flossie Mae’s, may we honor her and her legacy by loving others as she loved and may we all reflect on what our legacy will be when we are gone. I have been sitting and asking myself, how will I be remembered, am I leading people to heaven, and how is my life impacting everyone with whom I am in contact.


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