What we think matters
The subconscious mind is the memory bank. All of your experiences, cultural diversity, knowledge, memories and achievements are stored there. All of these come into play when you find yourself having to make choices as to what you do next. We are what we think, so we respond in accordance with our thought process. Good in, good out; garbage in, garbage out. Our thought patterns are programming us to succeed or fail, be joyful or bitter, be well or ill. I'd like to encourage you to practice the art of disciplining your minds. Capture all negativity that enters. You can do this; you only have to be aware of your thoughts. You are not a prisoner to your thinking. Just because your mind goes to a negative place does not mean you have to oblige it and stay there. There is no better prescription that I could give than our brother, Paul. He writes to us in Philippians 4:8 "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." You know what is negative and what is not. Take hold of all thoughts that are not uplifting; both for you and whatever/whomever you are pondering. It won't be easy at first; you will have to practice, but wow, when you finally master the art of positive thinking.... Change your thoughts, change your world!