Attractor Factor
My friend and mentor, Jeffrey Combs, once said, "Becareful of the people you seek out. You can either attract those you can collaborate with or those you can commiserate with." There was one point in my life that I had become aware that everyone with struggles and issues like mine own were showing up in my life. In the beginning, I was thinking these people were being put into my life so that I wasn't suffering alone and because we could relate, then one day I awakened. I realized that these people were in my life because I had attracted them as this is who I had become. See struggle had become my identity and it was my responsibility to develop a new one. I had to change my identity to match my vision.
See you attract who you are not who you want to be. You have to first be to become. In other words, you have to focus on what you want and who you want to be, then the universe goes to work bring people and situations into your life to help you meet your goals. Your subconcious does not undertand the difference between don't and want. The subconcious only understands what you focus on and the things you add emotion to. Take to the time to look in the mirror and get rigorously hones with yourself and see if it is time to change your identity to match your vision so that you too can live the life you so richly deserve.