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What if Christ Kept Score?

Why is that some people only feel obligated to do something or show concern for someone only IF they have done the same for you? How about being the change you would like to see. And yes, this means loving others even when they are incapable of reciprocating. This is the kind of unconditional love that Christ has shown. Show up for God like His Son showed up for us and come from a place of love for your soul and the souls of others.. Leaders go first, leaders see God in everyone as He created every being and corruption comes after conciousness. Christ came to seek and save the lost and it is commanded of our God for all of us to do the same. There is no picking and choosing when it comes to loving is always the answer. The love of God trumped the devil when He sent His only begotten Son to die for all. The love of Christ trumped the evil when He went to the cross while we were yet sinners. There is no score keeping for the cause of Christ.


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