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Do-Over's - Paid for at the Cross

I love Sundays; they afford a new beginning. The week ahead is full of opportunities and possibility. A do-over, if you will. Then Monday happens. I don't know about you, but I am so very grateful that, as a child of God, Sundays aren't my only chance to call out "do-over." In Christ, we are all afforded the blessing of His grace. A chance not to stay in our mess ups, but to regroup, reassess and redo. It often baffles me that so many get stuck in their "yuck" and feel compelled, as an act of penance, to wallow in guilt and self-loathing. May it never be! Christ came to earth and took our punishment. He did that so we do not have to suffer for our mistakes. Sure, there will often be consequences, but nowhere will you find in scripture that, as the result of our sin, God requires our guilt. Satan places that burden on believers, NOT our Saviour. Satan lies and urges the children of God to believe it is somehow wrong just to accept the gift given to us at the cross. Part of that gift is our freedom from guilt not our obligation to it. The truth is either Christ died perfectly, or He didn't and every time we refuse to walk tall in our grace, we are saying "Jesus, You didn't do it right...enough. I know You suffered unimaginable physical pain, and You took on the sins of the whole world so that it didn't have to pay the penalty of God's wrath, but I'm sure You didn't die good enough for my iniquities." Well...when you put it like that, Tammy... This week I pray you can let go of the burden of the cross. It was NEVER your's to bear. Repent and move on, praising Jesus for the many, many, many....honestly, UNENDING do-overs afforded you in this life. Love the Cross and what was done there for you enough to try your best, expect to fail, when you do (because you will) repent and call out "do-over."


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